Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"Throughout mathematics in Kindergarten-Grade 2, students develop numerical fluency with conceptual understanding and computational accuracy. Students in Kindergarten-Grade 2 use basic number sense to compose and decompose numbers in order to solve problems requiring precision, estimation, and reasonableness. By the end of Grade 2, students know basic addition and subtraction facts and are using them to work flexibly, efficiently, and accurately with numbers during addition and subtraction computation". (from Chapter 111. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics Subchapter A. Elementary).

I think we are right on target with our math skills. Samuel completed the page pictured above, on his own, then took out the calculator to check each problem. They were all correct andI got to sit and watch.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

WOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Good job Samuel.

Uncle Ben