I have been complaining to myself about how late in the year we found this curriculum, but this week it worked out OK. While the secular world is colored with bunnies and eggs, many in the Christian world are focusing on Jesus' death and resurrection. Our lesson this week was titled "Jesus Dies and Lives Again" coincidentally making what is happening in our immediate world relevant to school.
We have never really "celebrated" Easter in our church or home, but are planning our first Passover celebration in April. You can bet I will be posting about that!
School this week has been bilingual as requested by Samuel. He now thinks it is cool to speak spanish. So we learned our memory verse in Spanish (Matthew 6:9), our scripture song was in spanish and so was math and science.
In math he has been counting and reading numbers up to 20, and making groups of tens and ones. In Fine Motor Skills we have moved up to 1st grade, in literature we began reading The Adventures of Grandfather Frog by T.W. Burgess. In phonics he is progressing really well, making up sentences and reading 5 & 6 line stories. And last but not least, phonics in spanish which has gone quite well. He remembers what I taught him last year, so we are building upon that. OK, enough reporting.
Doesn't our school room look great? You should have seen it 2 hours before this photo was taken!
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